It is straightforward to confuse the present geopolitical situation with that of the Nineteen Eighties. The United States and Russia each accuse the opposite of interfering in domestic affairs. Russia has annexed territory over U.S. objections, raising concerns about military conflict.

As throughout the Cold War after World War II, nations are developing and constructing weapons based on advanced technology. During the Cold War, the weapon of selection was nuclear missiles; today it’s software, whether its used for attacking computer systems or targets in the true world.

Russian rhetoric in regards to the importance of artificial intelligence is picking up – and with good reason: As artificial intelligence software develops, it can have the opportunity to make decisions based on more data, and more quickly, than humans can handle. As someone who researches the usage of AI for applications as diverse as drones, self-driving vehicles and cybersecurity, I worry that the world could also be entering – or perhaps already in – one other cold war, fueled by AI. And I’m not alone.

Modern cold war

Just just like the the Cold War within the Forties and Fifties, all sides has reason to fear its opponent gaining a technological upper hand. In a recent meeting on the Strategic Missile Academy near Moscow, Russian President Vladmir Putin suggested that AI will be the way Russia can rebalance the facility shift created by the U.S. outspending Russia nearly 10-to-1 on defense annually. Russia’s state-sponsored RT media reported AI was “key to Russia beating [the] U.S. in defense.”

What’s the Twenty first-century equivalent of ‘duck and canopy’ against a man-made intelligence attack?
AP Photo, File

It sounds remarkably just like the rhetoric of the Cold War, where the United States and the Soviets each built up enough nuclear weapons to kill everyone on Earth repeatedly over. This arms race led to the concept of mutual assured destruction: Neither side could risk engaging in open war without risking its own break. Instead, either side stockpiled weapons and dueled not directly via smaller armed conflicts and political disputes.

Now, greater than 30 years after the tip of the Cold War, the U.S. and Russia have decommissioned tens of 1000’s of nuclear weapons. However, tensions are growing. Any modern-day cold war would come with cyberattacks and nuclear powers’ involvement in allies’ conflicts. It’s already happening.

Both countries have expelled the opposite’s diplomats. Russia has annexed a part of Crimea. The Turkey-Syria border war has even been called a “proxy war” between the U.S. and Russia.

Both countries – and many others too – still have nuclear weapons, but their use by a significant power continues to be unthinkable to most. However, recent reports show increased public concern that countries might use them.

A world of cyberconflict

Cyberweapons, nevertheless, particularly those powered by AI, are still considered fair game by either side.

Russia and Russian-supporting hackers have spied electronically, launched cyberattacks against power plants, banks, hospitals and transportation systems – and against U.S. elections. Russian cyberattackers have targeted the Ukraine and U.S. allies Britain and Germany.

The U.S. is actually capable of responding and could have done so.

Putin has said he views artificial intelligence as “the long run, not just for Russia, but for all humankind.” In September 2017, he told students that the nation that “becomes the leader on this sphere will change into the ruler of the world.” Putin isn’t saying he’ll hand over the nuclear launch codes to a pc, though science fiction has portrayed computers launching missiles. He is talking about many other uses for AI.

Use of AI for nuclear weapons control

Threats posed by surprise attacks from ship- and submarine-based nuclear weapons and weapons placed near a rustic’s borders may lead some nations to entrust self-defense tactics – including launching counterattacks – to the rapid decision-making capabilities of an AI system.

In case of an attack, the AI could act more quickly and without the potential hesitation or dissent of a human operator.

Should a robot sit on this chair and have the opportunity to show the important thing to launch a nuclear missile?
U.S. Air Force via AP

A quick, automated response capability could help ensure potential adversaries know a nation is prepared and willing to launch, the important thing to mutual assured destruction’s effectiveness as a deterrent.

AI control of non-nuclear weapons

AI may also be used to regulate non-nuclear weapons including unmanned vehicles like drones and cyberweapons. Unmanned vehicles must have the opportunity to operate while their communications are impaired – which requires onboard AI control. AI control also prevents a bunch that’s being targeted from stopping or stopping a drone attack by destroying its control facility, because control is distributed, each physically and electronically.

Cyberweapons may, similarly, have to operate beyond the range of communications. And reacting to them may require such rapid response that the responses could be best launched and controlled by AI systems.

AI-coordinated attacks can launch cyber or real-world weapons almost immediately, making the choice to attack before a human even notices a reason to. AI systems can change targets and techniques faster than humans can comprehend, much less analyze. For instance, an AI system might launch a drone to attack a factory, observe drones responding to defend, and launch a cyberattack on those drones, with no noticeable pause.

The importance of AI development

A rustic that thinks its adversaries have or will get AI weapons will need to get them too. Wide use of AI-powered cyberattacks should be a while away.

Countries might conform to a proposed Digital Geneva Convention to limit AI conflict. But that won’t stop AI attacks by independent nationalist groups, militias, criminal organizations, terrorists and others – and countries can back out of treaties. It’s almost certain, due to this fact, that somebody will turn AI right into a weapon – and that everybody else will achieve this too, even when only out of a desire to be prepared to defend themselves.

With Russia embracing AI, other nations that don’t or those who restrict AI development risk becoming unable to compete – economically or militarily – with countries wielding developed AIs. Advanced AIs can create advantage for a nation’s businesses, not only its military, and people without AI could also be severely disadvantaged. Perhaps most significantly, though, having sophisticated AIs in lots of countries could provide a deterrent against attacks, as happened with nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War.

This article was originally published at