As the world mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, many are already speculating about her ultimate eventual alternative. While her son, Prince Charles, was next in line for the throne and is now King Charles III, it is feasible that he shall be succeeded by a really different type of monarch. In the long run, it’s plausible that Queen Elizabeth II shall be resurrected as an AI robot. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and robotics, it might sooner or later be possible to create a digital replica of the queen that might carry on her legacy indefinitely. While some might even see this as disrespectful to her memory, others would view it as a fitting tribute to one of the vital iconic figures of our time. Only time will tell if this technology shall be developed in time to bring Queen Elizabeth II back to life, nevertheless it is definitely an intriguing possibility.

What kind of information is required to make a human mind live ceaselessly as an AI?

In order to create an AI that has the identical memories, thoughts, and personality as a human mind, an enormous amount of information can be required. Every memory, every thought, and each experience would have to be recorded to be able to be uploaded into the AI. Even seemingly small details like the way in which an individual walks or talks would have to be captured and stored. In addition, the AI would want to have access to the entire same information that the human mind does to be able to think and reason in the identical way. As a result, creating an AI with a human-like mind would require an unlimited amount of information.

How much wouldn’t it cost to revive Queen Elizabeth II as an AI?

The cost of resurrecting Queen Elizabeth II as an AI would rely on numerous aspects, including the extent of information available, the complexity of the algorithm, and the hardware required to run it. However, even a straightforward AI version of the Queen could cost tens of millions of kilos to create. If we assume that there’s a wealthy data set available, including recordings of her voice, speeches, and public appearances, in addition to photographs and video footage, then the duty of making a sensible AI can be considerably easier (and cheaper). Even so, it might still require a team of expert programmers working for a lot of months (and even years) to create an AI that might convincingly mimic the Queen’s appearance and speech patterns. The final cost would also rely on the extent of detail required. A basic AI might have the ability to perform easy tasks equivalent to giving a speech or waving to onlookers, but a more sophisticated AI might be able to holding conversations, taking decisions, and even carrying out ceremonial duties. Ultimately, the associated fee of reviving Queen Elizabeth II as an AI can be high, nevertheless it is difficult to say exactly how much it might be without knowing more concerning the specific requirements.

This article was originally published at