As the moon casts its shadow on Earth throughout the upcoming solar eclipse, cameras of all types will probably be pointed into the sky. While skilled photographers aim to capture the proper photo with specialized equipment, others reach for his or her smartphone to capture that moment.

While smartphone cameras I am unable to take a fantastic photo Even when you watch a solar eclipse yourself, you’ll be able to still create an unforgettable record of the moment using your smartphone.

Your smartphone’s camera has capabilities that many specialized devices cannot offer. It’s lightweight, has built-in orientation detection, and might photograph well in each darkness and light-weight. In addition, because of its computational photography capabilities, it focuses the image for you and provides image stabilization.

Be careful: photographing the solar eclipse with a smartphone can damage the camera’s sensor and your eyes. If you ought to have a look at the sun or take a photograph, wear solar eclipse glasses and get one Lens filter.

When taking photos throughout the eclipse, don’t look directly on the sun.

Both smartphones and optical cameras bring unique strengths to photography. Smartphones are characterised by convenience, connectivity and way more Computer photography. They’re a simple selection for casual shooters and social media enthusiasts.

Optical cameras beat smartphones when it comes to raw image quality, versatility and inventive control. This is because of their larger sensors, which capture more light and detail, in addition to their interchangeable lenses. They remain the last word tools for serious photographers who value performance over portability.

Despite some great benefits of optical cameras, a smartphone remains to be a fantastic technique to capture the solar eclipse attributable to its strengths.

What is Computational Photography?

I teach for a 12 months Course in computational photography which covers the technical features of optics and photography. Students make cameras and lenses and write software that duplicates smartphone functions.

Computer photography Uses calculations together with data comparable to location, time of day, personal preferences and other data to enhance images. Most smartphones have these features, but only a few cameras.

Two computing modes you need to try are HDR and Night Mode.

HDR and night mode

HDR or High Dynamic Rangeis a way that mixes multiple exposures of the identical scene to capture a wider range of brightness levels, from deep shadows to shiny highlights. By merging these exposures, HDR permits you to create images with more balanced exposure and more detail.

You can Enable HDR mode in your phone camera within the settings.

Night mode is one other feature you need to use to enhance the photos you’re taking in low light conditions. Using computer photography Technique called stackingNight mode takes multiple images at different exposure levels and combines them right into a single, well-lit photo a big dynamic range.

This process preserves the highlights and details around a picture while keeping the shadows dark.

Keep the camera regular while taking photos in night mode. You can lean against something solid, comparable to a wall or a tree. This computing feature allows your low-light images to rival skilled optical cameras.

Framing the solar eclipse

Thinking about learn how to frame your eclipse image can provide help to make it more visually interesting. Composition in photography refers back to the arrangement of elements inside the frame.

Elements are things just like the subject – an individual, place or thing – in addition to abstractions like patterns and textures – grass, sand, leaves and more. Elements with lines or elements oriented up or down can guide the viewer’s eye through the image, and elements can draw focus to or offset the topic.

Empty or negative space across the subject can provide the photo a compelling composition, like the complete moon in a black sky. Adjust the depth of field, for instance along with your phone Fashion portraitwill help highlight the subject.

Use symmetry At the identical time, integration ensures a visually appealing and balanced image Complementary colours gives the shot a more dramatic composition.

Consider how a big-budget film might cover the eclipse. There could possibly be 60 seconds of footage showing the moon covering the sun. The remaining 89 minutes would likely show how the eclipse modified people’s lives. There’s quite a bit more to shooting than simply shooting the corona of the sun.

For example, a picture of a solar eclipse might contain greater than just the sky. Animals can react in an interesting technique to the solar eclipse. Birds may perch or turn out to be silent, and nocturnal insects may emerge. The people around you could have excited, emotional reactions price capturing as they witness this rare celestial event.

With HDR and Night Mode lively, you’ll be able to search for dappled light and dark shadows. The light will tackle an otherworldly atmosphere because the moon moves in front of the sun. The light can tackle a wierd, silvery quality and appear darker than usual. Light passing through gaps between leaves will project a whole lot of tiny versions of the eclipse onto the bottom.

Crescent moon projections onto the bottom from tree shadows throughout the solar eclipse in August 2017.
B137/Wikimedia Commons

Never look directly on the sun. Wear solar eclipse glasses when looking up when aiming your camera.

While your smartphone may not capture the intricate details of the eclipse itself, it may provide help to document the eclipse’s impact in your world. So as you prepare to witness this once-in-a-lifetime event, remember to look beyond the sun and moon. Observe the shadows, the colours and the emotions that surround you. Let your curiosity guide you and permit yourself to be present within the moment.

The biggest photos are those who evoke a way of wonder, awe, and connection, whatever the technology used.

This article was originally published at