February 16, 2024: OpenAI has revealed its latest innovation in generative artificial intelligence: Sora, an AI video generator that transforms text instructions into realistic and imaginative video clips.

This is a major step forward in AI video generation, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with machine learning and content creation technology.

Sora operates by taking detailed written prompts from users and creating videos that match the descriptions.

https://t.co/rmk9zI0oqO pic.twitter.com/WanFKOzdIw

— Sam Altman (@sama) February 15, 2024

For instance, a user could prompt Minecraft gameplay, and Sora would generate a video that brings this scenario to life.

lol Sora can just generate minecraft gameplay. pic.twitter.com/TjI9BIv7hh

— chrypnotoad (@chrypnotoad) February 16, 2024

The technology showcases OpenAI’s efforts to know and simulate the physical world in motion, aiming to create models that assist in solving real-world problems requiring interaction with the environment. Believe us, it’s higher than VideoPoet or any AI video generator on the market.

Unlike anything seen before, Sora can generate videos as much as a minute long, maintaining high visual quality and closely adhering to the user’s original prompt.

This places Sora on the forefront of AI-driven creativity, offering tools for entertainment and academic, skilled, and inventive projects.

Can You Use Sora by OpenAI?

No, you can’t use Sora AI, because the access to Sora is proscribed. OpenAI has initiated the rollout by making Sora available to “red teamers” to evaluate the technology’s potential risks or harmful uses.

Additionally, a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers have been granted access to offer feedback on how Sora can best serve the creative community.

Despite the thrill surrounding Sora, OpenAI has not yet made the tool publicly accessible. The organization is cautious, specializing in safety and ethical considerations. However, a whole lot of X users have shared super cool examples of what form of videos Sora can create.

Introducing Sora, our text-to-video model.

Sora can create videos of as much as 60 seconds featuring highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters with vibrant emotions. https://t.co/7j2JN27M3W

Prompt: “Beautiful, snowy… pic.twitter.com/ruTEWn87vf

— OpenAI (@OpenAI) February 15, 2024

OpenAI’s engagement with experts in misinformation, hateful content, and bias goals to adversarially test Sora, identifying and addressing potential issues that might arise from its use.

Sora represents a major step in AI technology, offering recent ways to create and have interaction with video content. OpenAI’s give attention to safety and ethical use precedes its public release, emphasizing responsible innovation.

Bookmark us for further announcements from OpenAI on Sora’s development and public availability.

This article was originally published at www.greataiprompts.com